Republic of the Marshall Islands is located in the north of the Oceania Continent, with a population of 68,480, making it the
3rd largest national population. Its capital and largest city is Majuro with a total population of 25,400. The country
encompasses 11,85.3 square kilometers making it the 213th largest country in total area. It shares boundaries with the South
Pacific Ocean.

President Christopher J. L
oeak is recognized as the Chief of State and Head of Government and achieves that status through
parliamentary election of the membership and holds that position for four years. Its form of government is a constitutional
government in free association with the United States and they celebrate the creation of their constitution on 1st of May 1979.

The languages commonly or officially spoken are Marshallese and other languages, though English is widely spoken as a
second language. It counts among its major religions Protestant, Assembly of God, Roman Catholic, Bukot nan Jesus,
Mormon, other Christian and other and no faiths. As sources of mass communication it has 1 AM, 3 FM and 1 Television

Major geographical features are unnamed location on Likiep Island, its highest point at 10 meters and the Pacific Ocean, its
lowest point at 0 meters. Its principal waterway is Pacific Ocean, which measures 370.4 kilometers of coastline.

Major industries providing for the bulk of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are copra, tuna processing, tourism, craft
items from seashells, wood and pearls. Its official currency is the United States Dollar.

Here’s something you may not know about Marshall Islands. The Marshall Islands hosts the US Army Kwajalein Atoll
(USAKA) Reagan Missile Test Site, a key installation in the US missile defense network.
Giant clam off the
coast of Rongelap
House on Ebon Island
Conning tower of the
USS Apogan
Marshall Island kids
pose for the camera
Likiep Island- The
Marshall Islands high
Majuro City- Marshall
Islands' capital and
largest city
Wreck of the Japanese
fishing boat Mile
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Banke Kalel- a
Marshallese dish of
pumpkin and coconut
Bikini Atoll- rebounding
after post-World War II
nuclear bomb testing
Diving the Nagato- one of
the ships used in  the
atomic bomb tests on
Bikini Island
Ebon Atoll- the
southernmost point of
the Marshall Islands
Jobwa stick dancers in
traditional Marshall
Islands dress
U.S. military base on
Kwajalein Island
Nadikdik (Knox) Atoll
Lagoon- the easternmost
point of the Marshall
Bokak (Taongi) Atoll-
the northernmost point
of the Marshall Islands
Ujelang Atoll- the
westernmost point of
the Marshall Islands
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Updated 27 November 2012